The New Europe

European Identity in the 21st Century


Defining Identity

       national identity



     European Identity



Whats creating European Identity according to TR Reid?




Why Europe?  Why now?


When I pose to myself the query, to what extent do I feel European? my first thought is, `why didnt I ponder it a long time ago?  Was it because I regarded it of no importance, or was it something I simply took for granted?


I have the feeling I would have looked ridiculous if I had written or declared that I was European and felt European.  Such a declaration would have appeared pathetic and pompous.


(Havel, as quoted in Giddens, 2014:  150, speech to the European Parliament, 8 March 1994)








So why ponder this question now?  At the Fin de sicle of the 20th Century?













Constructivism:  Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities








              Turbulent and Mighty Continent (2014)

              The Cosmopolitan Imperative


European Identity as the anti-dote to nationalism

       David Held and Kyle McNally on OpenDemocracy



**Not all believe cosmopolitanism is where Europe is heading


e.g., Taras

Xenophobia the by-product of globalization, increased migration

Europe needs an Other

All identities are defined by exclusivity


Evidence of European Identity






Eurobarometer 71 (2009):  The Future of Europe




















Eurobarometer 2012:  Report on Citizenship

What do Europeans feel they have gained from the EU?


How much impact does the EU have on your living conditions?

What could create a closer feeling of community among EU citizens?






Eurobarometer 2008:  35 Years of Eurobarometer

Trust in European Institutions Overtime









Creating Europeanness


One Europe


One Europe on Facebook


Think Europe





Science, Genealogy and Europeanness:  My Big Fat European Family


Nationalists Strike Back

       No such thing as European ID
